There are a lot of questions circling around health care reform and what is actually means for individuals and employers. As of midnight, September 22, 2010 some of these health care provisions take effect, as outlined by US Money Talk.
Starting this week:
- As of that date, parents will be able to cover their children on their insurance until the age of 26. Lifetime limits of coverage will begin to phase out and children with pre-existing illnesses cannot be denied coverage.
- Some preventative services, such as colonoscopy and mammogram, must be offered without deductible or co pay. Women will be given the right to see an OB/GYN without a referral.
The bigger question is, how does this impact the cost of health care coverage and who is responsible for picking up the tab? While health insurers, companies and individuals try to make sense of the unknowns, one constant remains. The amount companies have to pay for health care coverage of their employees has been rising at over 10% per annum. And, over 75% of those costs are attributable to preventable chronic diseases, including: heart disease, diabetes and some forms of cancer. As the implications of the health care reform continue to be defined, prevention is still the key to reducing overall costs.
For more information on Healthcare Reform: The Role of Prevention in the New Legislation, listened to our archived webinar.
The post Health Care: What Changes This Week? appeared first on The Uprising Blog.